Hello all. I'm just getting back into the swing of things. Hope everyone had a happy holiday and Wintersday.
Anywho, I'm starting to focus on the EotN titles and figured that some other people might need help too.
So I'm going to be doing HM Hero's Handbooks on Saturday nights from 6-10pm EST.
Somethings to note: I will not be taking part in the last 2 quests in the book. There are a butt load of groups/runs dedicated to DD and ATFH so either find a guildie, ally, or pug and hope for the best.
We will be doing the quests 3 at a time starting with Vanguard, then Norn, and finally Asura. IF YOU JOIN THE GROUP, BE PREPARED TO STAY FOR ALL THREE QUESTS. (or just let me know if you need to leave in advance of starting a group of quests) Thanks.
On Sunday Nights, I will be doing HM Dungeon Handbooks starting from 5pm to 10pm
Somethings to note: I would like to only spend time on the following numbers: 1, 2, 4-14. The rest of the dungeons are either very easy to find groups for, have a large number of runs, or are solo.
For the Dungeons, I will only expect to tackle 3 each Sunday, so this coming Sunday would be Catacombs of Kathandrax, Rragar's Menagerie, and the Ooze Pit.
Again, if you join a group, be prepared to stay for the entire dungeon (not all three, but for the entirety of the one that we are doing). Leavers and ragers will be whipped with a icy wet towel.
So, I'll be ready this weekend for fun and anguish filled runs (probably more fun than anguish). Have fun, stay safe and I hope someone reads this...
Saturday 6-10pm HM Hero's Handbook Vanguard, Norn, Asura
Sunday 5-10pm HM Dungeon Guide 1,2, 4
-Vorch De "1337 Noob" Asph